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Writer's pictureBecca Levin

c/o Miss Elizabeth Bennett, Longbourn near Meryton, Hertfordshire

Sometimes "finding your motivation" means pretending you're neighbors with Lizzie Bennett and Jane Eyre. I'm on my own this week while my roommates are on vacation, and I woke up this dreary Monday morning with little inclination to get out of bed. I had plenty of things on my to-do list, including doing laundry, cooking dinner, cleaning dishes, and client work, so what's a body to do except pull on an apron, roll up my sleeves, and instantly transform into a ruddy-faced washerwoman scrubbing stains out of a Regency era child's underthings?

In all seriousness though, one of my rare but effective coping mechanisms when I feel like this is to turn my life into a film or novel. I've been doing it as long as I can remember, from cleaning the microwave in my childhood kitchen as a put-upon Cinderella to Alice exploring Wonderland when I was ushered outside with my siblings for mandatory outdoor recreation time.

So today I pulled on a long dress and a bib apron (with pockets!) that I bought a few years ago at a huge discount off a Facebook ad. I dabbed a little perfume on my wrists (Innocence by Poesie, a dusty peach, coconut, and skin musk scent that's a little old lady in the nicest way), brushed my hair out, and set the laundry basket on my hip to go get the washer running. I loaded the dishwasher and started it, and then set myself up a little workstation at the dining table to get some design work done, complete with flickering candles.

While I was checking email and LinkedIn notifications, I realized something was missing, so I went on Youtube and opened two videos in new tabs. One was a three hour 'manor ambience' video, complete with soft rain, occasional thunder, and crackling fireplace sounds. The other was a two hour compilation of solo piano by Yiruma.

Although this particular method of motivation and productivity may make some people laugh, I was done with all my client work by 3:30, the absolute earliest I've ever been done on a full day of work. Not only that, but by the end of day I had washed, folded, and put away two loads of laundry, cooked enough soup to have quick and easy nutritious food for the next several days, taken the dog for a walk, and done the dishes.

Remember folks - it's not silly if it works.

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